As a not feminine but feminist man, Carl is wearing good-naturedly his beard, his ring and his green pullover. During his childhood, he realize that there is an inequality somewhere, without naming it : « I always felt when I grew up that something was wrong with the fighting and the violence the boys used when I was young. (…) When I started studying History and came in contact with feminist movement, the gender analysis theories, I have got the explanation why I felt something was wrong when I was younger. »
In 2006, when the feminist party « Feminist Initiative » begins, he read their politic and he commits himself in that cause : « I found this was something I really want to take part in because I also feel that in the future, when I will talk to my children, I don’t want them to have a lesser pay if they are female than male. So I really want to do something about it, not just say to them “oh I didn’t do anything”, and there’s still women less paid than men. It was something that I thought I needed to do to… change the world, he shyly smiles, to make it a better place. »
Although Swedish society has the reputation to be most equalist, they have to be constantly wary because inequality comes and goes. According to a report published during the World Economic Forum 2012 in Geneva, Sweden is ranked 4th into the world ranking while in 2006 the country was ranked the 1st.
In comparison with it, France is ranked 57th in that world ranking in 2012.
In 2006, when the feminist party « Feminist Initiative » begins, he read their politic and he commits himself in that cause : « I found this was something I really want to take part in because I also feel that in the future, when I will talk to my children, I don’t want them to have a lesser pay if they are female than male. So I really want to do something about it, not just say to them “oh I didn’t do anything”, and there’s still women less paid than men. It was something that I thought I needed to do to… change the world, he shyly smiles, to make it a better place. »
Although Swedish society has the reputation to be most equalist, they have to be constantly wary because inequality comes and goes. According to a report published during the World Economic Forum 2012 in Geneva, Sweden is ranked 4th into the world ranking while in 2006 the country was ranked the 1st.
In comparison with it, France is ranked 57th in that world ranking in 2012.
Indignation of a child
In this ethical café in the Stockholm central train station, where Carl gave me the appointment, the coffee is disgusting but tasty for the planet. Carl pronounces his sentences in a clear english language, sometimes with hesitation, just worried to be precise. His look is direct, his gestures are slow and calm. Of course, Carl made his feminism as a value added when he teaches Social Sciences classes at school. In Sweden, male-female issues are mentioned in curriculum of the courses. Conscientiously, he made it as a duty as a response to his questions of children, as we can see an example here in an other style. It is a long and patient work, with questions and perseverance.
Carl observes a sensible evolution regarding men committed in the party. He highlights the importance of their commitment in the feminist cause :
Carl observes a sensible evolution regarding men committed in the party. He highlights the importance of their commitment in the feminist cause :
Feminism vs. Equalitarism
Why did he choose feminism while there is equalitarism is? Because the equality is the aim… A lot of men, held by the fear of loosing their masculine integrity, prefer foster it. Carl’ sweet eyes become darker for announcing his arguments. He frowns, getting a little bit more active in his gestures. He tries to contain his irritation. Carl does not « think they know it themselves but they have this feminist analysis about things, but their conclusion is the males are discriminated. They use the same analysis point of view but I think that the conclusions are absolutely wrong. There isn’t reports with scientific view in their arguments… When you talk about this issues, we can’t talk about what you feel, you have to always take a step back and look what do the facts say. The facts say that women are more discriminated by men. In most areas. Both politically, economical, and also with the violence (…) And how to stop violence, globally, we have to start with men and they have to see that too, but they don’t want to. It is a conflict there. » The discreet man is hiding behind the struggle, and paradoxically this one put Carl in the foreground.

Feminism as an open door for every other discrimination
Wishing to unite people, the political party is open to other movements at the same time. It takes the social inequalities with the prism of feminism « because we have to start somewhere ». Today, the key of Feministiskt Initiativ consists in this “intersectionality”. Following an important moment of questioning between new feminists and the founders of the party (70’s feminists of reference), the party adopted intersectionality to be concerned about all others discriminations due to racism, homophobia or differences between social classes, that can be mixed.
That’s why Carl scrapes the rust in the perpetual movement of feminists that, according to him, was sometimes paralysed by an elitism of working middle class women and discredited by a apparent hate of men. Carl is not scared about enraged feminists. In front of huge aggressiveness, Carl is comprehensive and he does not feel attacked in his masculinity. Actually, he understands that « women are frustrated ». He is present for them to make the future together.
Violette Goarant
Violette Goarant